
Zhe Chen: Modern power systems with large scale renewable energy and power system integerations
Publisher:     publishTime:2023-11-10    browseNumber:

lDate and Time: August 21, 2023 (Monday), 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

lPresentation Venue: Room 1009, Yifu Building

lSpeaker:Prof. Zhe Chen

lAffiliation: Aalborg University, Denmark

lHosted by: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation

lPresentation Overview:

Traditional fossil fuel-based energy technology is being replaced by clean energy technologies, such as wind and PV generators, green hydrogen electrolysis, heat pumps and various storages, etc. Power systems are in transition towards renewable energy-based power systems, where large-scale power electronics are used, including renewable power generator interfaces, HVDC and FACTS devices, active distribution systems, and prosumers. A new power system is emerging and has been developing towards a clean, sustainable energy system.

The presentation will briefly introduce the statutes of modern renewable power generation technologies, wind power, and solar PVs, and describe the features and challenges associated with the large-scale utilization of renewable power sources and power electronic technologies, in particular, power system flexibility and power system protections.

lPresenter's Biography:

Zhe Chen, a professor at Aalborg University, Denmark, head of the wind energy research team, serves as editor/associate editor/editorial board member for several international journals. His main research directions include modern power systems, multi-energy systems, smart grids, renewable energy generation, power electronic systems, etc. and he has published more than 1,000 papers in these fields. Professor Zhe Chen is a fellow of IEEE and IET, a Chartered Engineer, a member of the Danish Academy of Engineering, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.