
Series of Presentations: 2023 The Second Symposium on Distributed Energy Resources
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Presentation 1:

lTitle: Decision Trees for Dynamic Frequency Assessment of Power Systems

lDate and Time: November 4, 2023, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

lPresentation Venue: Small Lecture Hall, Second Floor, Academic Conference Center

lSpeaker: Nikolaos Chatziargyriou

lAffiliation: National Technical University of Athens

lHosted by: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation

lPresentation Overview:

The lecture will discuss dynamic security concerns on island systems with high penetration of RES focusing on frequency. In particular, the security rules that can be embedded in unit commitment to provide secure, optimal schedules will be derived using analytical calculations and data driven approaches. The application of classic Decision Trees for on-line dynamic security assessment of the island of Crete will be analyzed. Furthermore, the application of Optimal Classification Trees for the island of Rhodes will be presented and the results of the various methods compared. Finally, the improvement of the results achieved by classifier retraining will be discussed.

lPresenter's Biography:

Nikolaos Chatziargyriou is since 1984 with the Electrical and Computer Engineering School, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Professor in Power Systems since 1995, and Professor Emeritus since 2022. He is also part-time Professor at the University of Vaasa, Finland. He has over 10 years of industrial experience as Chairman and the CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) (2015-2019) and as Executive Vice-Chair and Deputy CEO of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) (2007-2012), responsible for the Transmission and Distribution and the Islands Divisions. He is author of 300 journal publications and 600 conference proceedings papers. He is included in the 2016, 2017, and 2019, Thomson Reuters lists of the top 1% most cited researchers. He is 2020 Globe Energy Prize laureate, recipient of the 2017 IEEE/PES Prabha S. Kundur Award and the 2023 IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award. He was Chair of the Power System Dynamic Performance Committee of IEEE, EiC of the IEEE TPWRS, and is currently EiC-at-Large for IEEE PES Transactions. He is honorary member of CIGRE and was the Chair of CIGRE SC C6 “Distribution Systems and Distributed Generation.” He was the Chair and Vice-Chair of the EU Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for Energy Transition (ETIP SNET). He has participated in more than 60 R&D projects funded by the EU Commission, electric utilities and industry for fundamental research and practical applications.

Presentation 2:

lTitle: TSO/DSO Collaboration- Local Flexibility Markets

lDate and Time: November 4, 2023, 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM

lPresentation Venue: Small Lecture Hall, Second Floor, Academic Conference Center

lSpeaker: Aris Evangelos Dimeas

lAffiliation: National Technical University of Athens

lHosted by: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation

lPresentation Overview:

The adoption of DG and RES within the distribution network is on the rise, leading to a gradual displacement of conventional power stations. This shift necessitates the availability of ancillary services and flexibility from DG and RES sources. To address this evolving energy landscape, one strategic approach involves the establishment of market mechanisms that bring TSOs and DSOs into an expanded market structure. These mechanisms can take two forms: centralization within the existing balancing market or decentralization through the introduction of local markets. In this presentation, an analysis of these market models and the variations of them will be provided. The various products (balancing, voltage/frequency, congestion, etc.) offered within these markets will be analyzed and key findings gathered from multiple European research projects will be presented.

lPresenter's Biography:

Aris Evangelos Dimeas was born in Athens, Greece, in 1977. He received the Diploma and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a Researcher with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, NTUA. His research interests include dispersed generation, artificial intelligence techniques in power systems, and computer applications in liberalized energy markets.,Dr. Dimeas is also a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece.

Presentation 3:

lTitle: CHIL and PHIL Applications for Protection, Control, and Optimal Operation of Active Distribution Networks and Microgrids

lDate and Time: November 4, 2023, 10:40 AM to 11:40 AM

lPresentation Venue: Small Lecture Hall, Second Floor, Academic Conference Center

lSpeaker: Alkistis Christina Kontou

lAffiliation: National Technical University of Athens

lHosted by: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation

lPresentation Overview:

New CHIL and PHIL experimental setups, applications and considerations implemented in the Electric Energy Systems Laboratory (EESL) of ICCS-NTUA will be presented and discussed. The presentation will commence by showcasing the interaction between a hardware inverter controller and a hardware protection relay implementing an islanding detection scheme, in a CHIL setup. Next, the design and testing of an adaptive protection scheme, adjusting setting groups of three feeder relays using industrial communication protocols (IEC 61850, DNP3) in a CHIL setup, will be presented. Moreover, the CHIL testing of an industrial controller for Grid Code Requirements compliance, facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and advanced technologies into the grid, will be highlighted. In the realm of microgrids, the HIL testing of a developed in-house energy management system will demonstrate cutting-edge performance in simulating and refining real-world microgrid operation using a digital twin, optimizing renewable energy utilization. Emphasis will be placed on the combined CHIL and PHIL setup, investigating the interaction between a controller for seamless microgrid transition and a hardware PV inverter. A critical factor for the successful PHIL implementation is to have a stable but at the same time accurate setup, thus our recent work in the frame of ERIGrid 2.0 project, published at IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics on extended range of high-fidelity setups for PHIL testing will be presented. Lastly, the presentation will highlight the benefits of Geographically Distributed Real-Time Simulations and the work carried out within ERIGrid 2.0, enabling comprehensive power system analysis and optimization over larger areas.

lPresenter's Biography:

Alkistis Christina Kontou received the Diploma degree in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 2019.,During 2019, she was also an intern with BayWa r.e. Since 2019, she has been a Ph.D. candidate within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in National Technical University of Athens. Her research interests include control of power inverters, converter-driven stability, microgrids, and laboratory validation methods.

Presentation 4:

lTitle: Advanced Control of IBRs-enabling Smart Operation of Power Systems and Microgrids

lDate and Time: November 4, 2023, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

lPresentation Venue: Small Lecture Hall, Second Floor, Academic Conference Center

lSpeaker: Alexandros Paspatis

lAffiliation: Manchester Metropolitan University

lHosted by: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation

lPresentation Overview:

This lecture will initially focus on highlighting the challenges that modern smart grids and microgrids face with regards to their control and stability. Latest developments in the field of control and modelling of IBRs will be presented, while methods for examining converter-driven stability issues will be discussed. Moreover, advanced control schemes that guarantee the stable operation of power systems and microgrids under normal and abnormal grid conditions will be highlighted.

lPresenter's Biography:

Paspatis Alexandros received the Diploma (MEng) degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, in 2016, and the Ph.D. degree in automatic control and systems engineering from the University of Sheffield, U.K., in 2020. Throughout 2018, he was a Research Assistant with the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, The University of Sheffield, U.K. From 2020 to 2023, he was with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece, as an Adjunct Lecturer. Since 2023, he is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K., where he is also associated with the Manchester Metropolitan Joint Institute, Hubei University, China.

His research interests lie in control of smart power converters, converter-driven stability, microgrids and laboratory validation methods. He has attracted, led, and contributed to several research and industrial projects, in the field of power systems. His published work consists of more than 35 chapters in scholar books, articles in peer-reviewed journals, and papers in indexed conferences.

Dr. Paspatis is a Member of IEEE, an active member of IEEE PES Task Forces and IEEE Working Groups, and a Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece. He acts as a regular reviewer for reputable IEEE and Elsevier journals, and has acted as a Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics and a Technical Programme Committee member for various IEEE conferences.